Wedding Videography Services in Randolph, MA
7 hours of filming
1-2 minute trailer
30 sec trailer (reel)
1 Month Delivery
Reception Audio
Ceremony Audio
$ 3,000
8 hours of filming
3-5 minute film
2 month Delivery
Drone footage
Reception Audio
Ceremony Audio
$ 4,000
9 hours of filming
7 min film
3-month Delivery
Drone footage
Reception Audio
Ceremony Audio
$ 5,000
Purchase an additional hour of filming to cover more of your special day!
$150 Per Extra Hour
Consider adding a videographer to help capture even more angles of your special day!
XIMAGES will provide a hard drive with raw footage. This will allow viewers to see all the clips that did not make it to the final edit.
Before the wedding day, conduct separate interviews to send a heartfelt message to your partner. They'll see it after the wedding when the final edit is delivered.